There are plenty of factors that can affect ones success with using videos, but I wanted to address some important ones that I felt do the more considerable damage unless corrected. I’m confident that by just working on, or improving these alone, will help you to see conversions from your videos.

Not Relating to Your Viewer

One of the biggest factors that sees conversions, is based on the relationship between the viewer and the influencer, rapport. Rapport is something that is normally built up over time, just how strangers eventually become the best of friends. But this is made up of factors that allow rapport to take place. To me, these factors include: Sympathy, empathy, humour & value.

Whatever the niche is that as a coach or business you may be helping others with, you really do need to empathise and sympathise with your audience. Respect that for them, to be searching Youtube for help, usually indicates they are at the start of their journey and are looking for guidance. Sharing with the viewers that you understand what they are going through, whether it’s because you’ve helped enough clients or been there yourself, is a great way to make yourself relatable to them.

Adding humour (if it’s possible) can be a great way to ‘break the ice’ with the viewer and get them to smile. I vaguely remember an experiment done many years ago, where a group where shown two images of a person and asked if they would ever consider being friends with them. One image was of the person smiling whilst the other was not. Of course everyone liked the person smiling more as it made them smile too, with subjects even describing he had a ‘positive attitude’ and someone they wanted to spend time with. So how is this relatable to humour? That by putting a smile on a viewers face, a basic level of attraction is built of which instinct instantly gets them to like you.

The final factor is then adding the value in videos. A person who’s more knowledgeable, helpful and gives a viewer more clarity on the subject, will be more popular than those who lack in them. If you can prove you know your content, tie in with the other factors that build rapport, and can justify how you can make a difference to their lives, then there’s no reason for not converting.

Pushing Too Much for The Sale

Because of the sheer number of videos a person can make, your proof of service comes with the production and content within each video. Over pushing for sales and perhaps even losing your cool a bit, can come across a tad desperate or needy through linguistics and your body language. Understand that sales do take time, especially if your channel is in its early days. Instead, focus on producing great, varied content and see a high consistency of videos released each week. Allow for plenty of easy ways for the viewer to reach you on their terms and in their time. Your viewers aren’t stupid people, they must be treated with patience and be given the opportunity to decide who they want to work with on their own.

Not Focussing on What Your Viewers Want

This is more importantly about knowing your demographic, your ideal client/ audience that you want to promote to. Over the years, many coaches that I met believe that know exactly what their clients and prospects want. While this may be partially true, many also haven’t considered to do even a little bit of market research or throw the question out to their audiences. By simply asking your audience what content they want to see, rather than predicting or guessing the content, you may be in for a surprise. It wouldn’t surprise me if you find yourself suddenly getting conversions after they say to you “That was exactly the video I needed to see!”. The best conversions come from listening to your audience and giving them what they want.

Lack of Conviction

This is a pretty straightforward one in all honesty, and something I see the most. When it comes to making videos you are naturally voicing your opinion. What’s funny is that many people intimidate themselves with this. A subtle fear kicks in where they aren’t sure if they believe what they are saying. Instead, they suddenly appear introverted on camera, or a childlike version of themselves. Be confident in what you are saying, believe it is true. I won’t deny that sharing your vulnerable self on the internet is a scary idea, but if you are to do it for business, you have to demonstrate you are a leader. The more you can believe it, demonstrate it and believe in what you are saying, the more your audience will too.

Not Encouraging Other Videos to Be Watched

Lastly, as mentioned above, building a relationship with viewers takes time and consistency. You need to be guiding your viewers through a process, or funnels within your videos. This is hugely important for those of you starting at the beginning and the only way you’re going to gather subscribers and even reputation, is by encouraging viewers to watch more of your videos. End screens and end cards are a great way to do this. Embedding a thumbnail over the video that hyperlinks to another one of your relevant videos. Give it time and slowly you’ll see all your videos gaining higher views and people reaching out to work with you for your services.

If you need help with growing a Youtube channel for your business, I offer free consultations and more than happy to help!

Daniel Colbert AKA CameraDan

The Youtube Strategist & Video Marketing Coach


YouTube Strategist

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